Posts by Category


CMake Script Mode and Variables

less than 1 minute read

CMake lets users write scripts in “Script Mode” that can do various tasks. I originally tried doing:

Modern Day Owl

less than 1 minute read

Qt’s macdeployqt & debug binaries

Naivecoin Addendum

2 minute read

Currently I am building a cryptocurrency in C++. The project can be found here. This is not a project where I’ve forked another code base, instead the purpos...

Using a Conan Recipe (the basics)

1 minute read

I’m using Simple Web Server for a project and I wanted a way to pull the library down via Conan. I found a recipe for the library a couple months ago but was...

Writing const and non-const Getters

1 minute read

One use of const_cast is to avoid duplicating code when implementing getters in a class. If you want users of your class to have write-access to a member obj...

Qt Automatic Slot Names

less than 1 minute read

I’ve been using Qt for several years now in a couple different projects. Only today did I learn about QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName.

Hacking Together a Conan Package

2 minute read

This is how I hacked together a Conan package for use with my Windows console project. I wasn’t concerned with having Conan automatically build the project’s...

Prioritizing Projects

less than 1 minute read

Like most developers, I have several ideas I’m juggling at any given time.

Working with Conan

less than 1 minute read

I have been experimenting with Conan on my Mac. Ideally I would like to use it with Owl instead of the manual solution I have right now. This is essentially ...

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